13. Unlucky they say. 13. I kind of laugh. I think I've always been unlucky, 13 or no. Today marks 13 years without Dave here. This year, more than any other, I marvel at the number of changes he has missed. Our first grandchild, Emmie, born this year. Zach and Kailee, such loving parents. Kate and Kenny, out on their own. And me. This last year has been nothing BUT change for me. Moving to Port Angeles. Starting a new job, and then another. Finding my tribe in a new place. Falling in love, getting married. Blessed all over again With a husband, a partner, my love, Who protects me, takes care of me, loves me unconditionally, Is always there, holds me when things get rough, and Never wavers. Rock steady, true blue, pure love. I never thought I'd be here. Never. And I question myself every single day. Was it the right decision? Not to marry Dennis...he truly is everything to me. But to leave my family? It's been so hard. I miss them so mu...