I guess I'm supposed to have something to say. Something wise. Something heartfelt. Oh - and something new. I don't. I actually told someone I was going to post: SAME SH-T, DIFFERENT DAY and leave it at that. Not sure anyone wants to hear the same old things. Especially me. The tears most bitter slip silently from behind summer sunglasses. Yesterday was six years since the end. Not only the end of Dave's life on earth, but the end of mine as I knew it. But it also marks six years of a new beginning. Yesterday was also the first day of school. And as we placed flowers on Dave's rock, I thought about how in an hour or so, the building behind us would come alive, empty, echoing rooms would fill with laughter and lecture, with cheers and complaints, and all the drama that is high school. Dave loved the first day of the school year. It's shiny and new and fairly bursting with promise and hope. It's a chance to start over, to g...
...keep on keepin' on