It always rains on Memorial Day weekend. You see, I grew up on the west side. (Yep, Pete, even more west than this!) And it rains most of the time. But always, always on camping weekends. My sister and I learned to play pinnochle in the rain over many Memorial Day & Labor Day leaky tents with soggy cards. Lanterns hissing, fires sputtering, skin pruny. Somehow, those were still the best of times. Although, then, I didn't know about baseball. The Bruins had their first outing. Saturday, the sun shone brightly and the boys won one, lost one. We all got sunburned. On Sunday, just like on the coast, we were rained out. Then Monday, the sun was out again. It's been the oddest spring. After the game Monday, we did some shopping. Got Zach a new bat. can a cylinder of metal cost so darn much??? And we all got haircuts, ready for summer. Here's mine: I'm having a little trouble with the straight part. As you know, I...
...keep on keepin' on