Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:12 AM CST Well, we made it through Thanksgiving. That's about it. We made it through. It was hard. Just as hard as I expected. Harder in some ways. Dave was missing at every corner. Denise and I kept looking at each other, saying, "Dave would love this." There was no Dave to do funny things to the turkey, no Dave to get in the way when I was making dill rolls (which I didn't make), no Dave to say a prayer before the meal, no Dave to remind us what we were gathering for, no Dave to fight with Dad over the peach pie, no Dzve to dance silly dances, sliding through the kitchen. No goofy hats. No unexpected hugs. No toll gates. No shouts at the football games. No sense of wonder. No child-like delight. No Dave. Just a hollow feeling. The sense of something missing. Someone missing. Us missing someone. It was good to see Denise, Darren and kids as well as my mom and dad. We were glad to be with them again, it was far too long. The kids...
...keep on keepin' on